Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lessons 7&8 vocabs

ImageChef Word Mosaic - using Worditout:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 1: Google Map

Another way for the students to introduce themselves using Google Apps: Make a life map with Google Maps. It can include the following:

  • Schools they've attended
  • Their favorite resturants/eateries
  • Their favorite hangout place
  • Where they want to go to college
  • Other memorable places

1st EdCampSFBay

I finally made it to EdCampSFBay in 2013! I signed up last year but didn't get to go (I forgot why).

I love the idea of "un-conference".  In fact, some colleagues and I were doing something similar about 2 years ago. A group of us decided to form a "support" group to help each other with curriculum, technology, classroom management, and sanity! The group started with about 5 or 6 teachers, and grew to something like 10 or 12. We met in schools or at someone's home.  We met semi-regularly for about a year, and then life got in the way, and we were having problem scheduling a get-together.

Now that I've attended EdCamp, my colleagues and I are thinking about an "EdCamp" on Campus or for the district.  We'll see.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Emergency Lesson Plans

As I have been called for jury duty during the first week of school, I have to come up with lesson plans that will work for new, non-Chinese speaking students.

Since they don't know Chinese, and there's no one there to teach them, what curriculum should I plan? Ah..culture. So I spent some time searching for some ideas.  Here are some that I am going to use, both as lessons during this first week of school when I am (or will be) gone, and as emergency lesson plans in the future:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

IKEA Catalog Ideas

Just got the new IKEA catalog. Very thick and colorful.  Then an idea hit me: Use it for speaking triggers for some themes, such as colors, directions/placements, furniture, likes/dislikes, describe&listen activities.  You can probably think of more, but these are the ones that come to my mind right now.

Day 2 Plan: CMP

Now that I have a better idea what Day 1 is going to be like, I need to think about day 2.

Day 2 will now be focused on going over CMP (used to be Day 1). I have a PPT with some quotes and some Post-It Notes activities that I would like the kids to do. This way, they'll be thinking, writing, responding, processing, and moving.

Day 1: Computer Lab

So I've been thinking about not making copies of my classroom management plan (CMP) to save some trees and time in the copy room. So, what's my alternative?  Unless I bring the students into the lab, I can't really do anything about the CMP. I mean, I can't really assume that every kid has his/her own device.